Flowering annuals are setting seed in my garden – it’s an ideal time to save some money by collecting and storing seed of your favourites, to sow next year. Saving seed from pot marigold, Calendula officinalis & Nasturtium, couldn’t be easier as the seedheads are large and easy to spot before they split.
Allow the seedheads to fully develop on the plant before collecting them (they will turn brown and papery as they mature). Remove from the plants and lay on a piece of paper to dry out. You can then separate the seeds from the seed head and store in a clean, labelled envelope. Pop then in a cool, dry, place in an airtight container – a sachet of silica gel will help keep them dry (you can quite often find these in the packaging for shoes and bags).
The seeds from Cerinthe, Nigella & poppies are also all good to save.